Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Excitement...

I'm not a mover. I lived in the same house all throughout my childhood and only bounced around within a 5 mile radius during my college years. My furthest move was the 30 minute trip to our home now (which took a bit of adjusting!) I've never REALLY left. I know I am close to both of our sets of parents, aunts/uncles, grandparents & a large number of our friends. This is all about to change dramatically! Here are the things I'm really excited about when it comes to the big move.

--new place! Because I've lived here my whole life, it's lost it's mystique, luster, & excitement. I have been to all of the landmarks I care to visit, done all the "Philly" things, and am just kind of bored with the whole situation. I also love to decorate, and am thrilled to have a whole new house to paint & play with! I can't wait to paint furnish and make a new home... yay!

--starting of the future. I am lucky. I have an amazing situation currently, but I feel like we're just standing still... I know Man is unhappy with his job, and my current position is offering little in the way of upward mobility. I feel like this move is a new start. Man can get on his way to getting his JD, something he's been thinking about for years, and maybe I just need a change of scenery to jump-start a new career.

--No one knows you... You are free of expectations. Your whole life becomes a blank slate. To me, this is really cool. Not that I'm going to be any different, but it might be neat to meet people who don't know ALL of the sordid details of your past (not that either of us have ever done anything bad...) I'm looking forward to meeting new people, and a whole new Chi-Life.

Mostly I'm excited for a whole new adventure with the love of my life!

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